Have you been thinking about enrolling in one of Merge NZ’s Onsite courses this term? There are many benefits to learning NZSL, especially when you learn face-to-face with a group of likeminded students. If you’re undecided, here are four reasons why you should register.
Immerse yourself in NZSL and Deaf Culture
New Zealand’s Deaf communities are connected through their shared language, history, and culture. When you show up on-site and learn with a Deaf teacher, you are entering the Deaf world and experiencing Deaf culture firsthand.
Learning NZSL onsite and immersing yourself in a voice-off environment is a better way to understand the nuances of the language. NZSL is a 3D language, and you can fully understand the handshapes and movements when you see them face-to-face.
Build Relationships and Community
The best way to practise your signing skills is through NZSL conversation, and onsite classes are a great way to meet other learners at a similar level to you. The conversations you have before class or during break time will help you strengthen your NZSL skills and build new friendships.
Signing up to a language class with a friend or family member can be a new way to connect with that person. You will get to see each other on a regular basis and encourage each other on your learning journeys.
As you master NZSL, you will also be able to build relationships with the Deaf community—a new language can open you up to so many social opportunities! Merge NZ wants everyone to have access to NZSL classes, and we offer onsite courses at 10 different locations across Aotearoa.
Improve your Cognitive and Physical Health
Exercise isn’t just for your body—it's also important to give your brain a workout! Learning a new language can help improve your attention span, strengthen your memory, and even slow down dementia symptoms.
Getting out of the house and heading to your weekly class can boost your mental wellbeing, offering you a change of scenery and a chance to move around in a new environment.
There are additional health benefits to learning a sign language like NZSL. As you progress in your NZSL journey, your fine motor skills and dexterity will improve. This can help you with other tasks that require quick and nimble fingers.
Add a New Skill to your CV
NZSL is an official language of New Zealand, and knowing how to sign is a valuable quality for employers. Completing multiple NZSL courses shows your commitment to learning new skills, cultural awareness, and ability to communicate with Deaf clients and customers.
You won’t regret investing in your language learning journey - take the next step and register for an onsite course today! Have a taster of NZSL with our Crash Courses, or spend a term immersed in a Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced level course.
Click on the button below to view our NZSL Onsite courses. If you have any questions, please contact NZSL Courses Co-ordinator, Jennifer Lum, at hello@mergenz.co.nz