Thu, 26 May
NZSL for Health Online - 10 weeks
Learn NZSL online fast! A 10-week crash course for health professionals with little bit of NZSL skills. Costs $159 incl. e-handout, homework and certificate. Starting Thursday, 26th May from 7.00pm - 8.00pm.
Date, Time & Location
26 May 2022, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
About The Course
Learn NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language) online via MySign!
You will still have a class and a qualified NZSL tutor to teach you and it is fully interactive - just online! 10-week online crash course designed for health professionals.
You will learn health-related signs that will help you communicate with your Deaf patients and clients. Starting Thursday, 26th May. This is suitable for students who have no previous knowledge of NZSL.
Dates: 26/5, 2/6, 9/6, 16/9, 23/6, (30/6 - no class, one week break), 7/7, 14/7, 21/7, 28/7 and 4/8
Time: 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Fee: $159 per person includes weekly e-handout, homework and certificate of attendance.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will learn:
Week 1 - Initial Consultation
Week 2 - Body & Physical examination
Week 3 - Medication and Treatment
Week 4 - Medical Conditions
Week 5 - Body functions
Week 6 - Scans and procedures
Week 7 - In Emergency Department
Week 8 - Hospital Stay
Week 9 - Support Services
Week 10 - Wrap up and presentations
**Please note that min. numbers (4 students) must be reached for the course to go ahead. Please note registering online confirms your registration and commits you to the course.
If you want us your employer to cover your fees, you can contact us so we can register you manually and your invoice will be sent to you/your employer. If you have any questions, you are welcome to email to mysign@mergenz.co.nz
Course fee
This course fee includes weekly e-handouts, homework and certificate of attendance. You must attend 80% to receive a copy of certificate.
NZ$159.00Tax: +NZ$3.98 WebsiteFeeSale ended