Thu, 26 May
NZSL for Health Online - Part 3
Learn NZSL online from your home! A 3-week NZSL crash course for health professionals with little bit of NZSL skills. Costs $49 incl. e-handout. Starting Thursday, 26th May from 1.00pm - 2.00pm.
Date, Time & Location
26 May 2022, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Members going
About The Course
Learn NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language) online via MySign!
You will still have a class and a qualified NZSL tutor to teach you and it is fully interactive - just online! 3-week online NZSL crash course designed for health professionals. You will learn health-related signs that will help you communicate with your Deaf patients and clients. Starting Thursday, 26th May. This is suitable for students with basic knowledge of NZSL (with approximately 5 - 10 hours of NZSL tuition in the past) or have completed NZSL Health for Professionals part 1 & 2.
Dates: 26/5, 2/6 and 9/6
Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Fee: The cost is $49 for the full 3-week course. This includes weekly e-handouts.
Course Outline for Health Professionals #3
Class One - In Emergency Department
- identify health related issues
- name of things in emergency department
- learn about actions in the emergency situation
- make plans for the next step
- Deaf culture – Text 111 and New Zealand Relay service
Class Two - Hospital Stay
- discuss about hospital stay
- make a basic request and offer help
- talk about hospital rules for visitors including families and friends
- learn numbers 41 – 100
- use of numbers for months
- Deaf culture – understanding about auditory interruptions
Class Three - Support Services
- discuss about specialised services such as:
- stroke
- cancer
- mental health (addiction)
- midwife
- Deaf culture – understand about NZSL interpreter booking
**Please note that min. numbers (4 students) must be reached for the course to go ahead. Please note registering online confirms your registration and commits you to the course. If you have any questions, you are welcome to email to mysign@mergenz.co.nz If you want us your employer to cover your fees, you can contact us so we can register you manually and your invoice will be sent to you/your employer. Thank you in advance.
Course fee
This course fee includes weekly e-handouts.
NZ$49.00Tax: +NZ$1.23 WebsiteFeeSale ended