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NZSL Online Advanced - Level 3

Course guideline

Learning Outcome for Advanced - Part 1


Unit 18 (Narrating Unforgettable Moments)

  • develop essential skills needed to tell a short story successfully

  • use extended role-shifting to enhance the story

  • lean the important of maintaining spatial agreement when using role shifting

  • learn to sequence classifiers in order to fully describe what happened

  • to elaborate on the story by giving descriptions, sharing thoughts and giving reasons


Unit 19 (Sharing Interesting Facts)

  • learn to show the impact or importance of the information using percentages, fractions and ranking

  • contrast and discuss the information and ways to conclude the facts with generalisation, theories or conclusions

  • practise use of classifiers and role shift to illustrate and to demonstrate the fact (make formal or informal announcements through face to face or online)



You need to achieve

105 hours or completed

Level 2 courses to register.

Register here:

Find the advanced (level 3) course that suits your needs. If course is not listed, please wait for the next round.

  • 13 Jan 2025, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
    Join the thrilling journey into Level 3 of NZSL with MySign's interactive online course with a qualified NZSL teacher! Get ready for this exciting experience!
  • Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    This expression of interest is to gauge interest in your area. This club will allow individuals to come together on a regular basis to practise and polish up their NZSL skill. Registering your interest does not commit to a practice set up but the data will assist us in making informed decisions.


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